Chris’s Travels 2008

London>Malaysia>Borneo>Brunai>Singapore>India>Nepal>Tibet>Hong Kong

Jen Gatecrashes Travel and Blog…!

Posted by Chris Tandy on August 2, 2008

Hello everyone!

I was once like you sat on your computers at home but not this week…oh no I was in on the action! Well all in all our Chris has unfortunately gathered a strange accent, a strange bag & a strange jumper but on the plus side he has shed a lot of hair, a lot of “extra bone” and has gained a hell of a lot of good stories! In airport and very sleepy so cannot write too much but Hong Kong in a few points…

– Lots of food, lots of drink, lots of big buildings, lots of big lights, lots of people! Had a fab much to do & see. Loved the place & loved catching up with Chris. (Even if he did make me eat sea slugs…!) Will fill you in properly at home. He is looking forward to seeing everyone. (And the buffet that Im sure Mum has spread out at the ready!) See you all very shortly! lots of love xx

One Response to “Jen Gatecrashes Travel and Blog…!”

  1. Marians said

    Yay! Interesting…

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